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It's all about learning & growing

Individual & Couples Psychotherapy  |  Rooted in mindfulness, self-inquiry, & relational process 

My approach


My approach is integrative, experiential, and trauma-informed. Sessions often include breath, meditation, inquiry, role-play, and other embodiment practices to anchor - whatever we're exploring on the emotional and intellectual levels - into your lived and felt experience.


Our sessions are a space for you to share, express, and feel what is present for you as we orient towards strengthening your nervous system, rewiring your brain, and cultivating forms of communication that empower your authentic self to emerge. 


I find psychoeducation and personal practice to be highly supportive supplements to the work we do together. Outside of our sessions you will have ample tools and experiments to engage with if you so choose. I seek to make the therapy experience practical and relatable and find that introducing certain psychospiritual language and concepts can also have a tremendously positive effect on integration.


Rather than utilizing the lens of "right and wrong," "good and bad," or even "healthy and unhealthy" to guide us, I prefer we assess for what is effective - based on the goals and deepest desires you have for your life. From this neutral space, everything is welcome to come up and be seen as you align to your innate wisdom and creativity within.




Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally to whatever is happening. It is a kind and reliable way for you to notice and become familiar with your behaviors, thoughts, sensations, and feelings.


The non-judgmental or "conscious welcoming" aspect of mindfulness nurtures self-regulation, resilience, and emotional intelligence. It grows your capacity to meet whatever is arising within you with compassion and understanding and supports the shift from reactivity to responsiveness in your daily life. 


Mindfulness practice is also shown to reduce symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression and enhance the body's natural healing capacities, immune response, nervous system regulation, and overall sense of wellbeing. 




Self-inquiry is an active meditation and investigation of the beliefs we hold, the stories we tell, and conclusions we make about life - especially the one's that cause us stress. Why is this relevant? 

Stressful thinking, leads to stressful living and according to the National Science Foundation, an average person has 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day and of those, 80% are negative and 95% are repetitive.


Learning to notice and work directly with one's thinking is not only a path to greater awareness and personal freedom. It can also decrease our stress, which is the single greatest contributor and perpetuator of psychological, neurological, and biological dis-ease. When our thoughts are met with understanding and sincerely questioned, they stop unconsciously running our lives. This radical approach invites you to question and look for yourself to see what is true and to experience who and what you are.  


Relational process


Relationships are the vehicles within which we clarify and communicate our truth, negotiate the needs and anxieties of ourselves and others, make conscious and unconscious agreements and requests, mess up and find ways to repair, navigate healthy boundaries of individuality and togetherness, and learn to weather the continual opening and closing of our hearts.


Therapy can provide you with tools and understanding but it is the embodied practice and experience of relating in real-time that catalyzes and alchemizes the positive changes you're seeking to make in your daily life. 



Next steps


Are you ready to begin individual or couples therapy? Do you have any questions?

Please scroll to the bottom of the page to send me an email or to set up a call.

I look forward to connecting with you. 



"What's in the way, is the way." - Mary O'Malley



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